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Conquer Your Doubts: Understanding and Managing Imposter Syndrome

Presenter: Bili Mattes

Pre-recorded webinar

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Conquer Your Doubts: Understanding and Managing Imposter Syndrome

Join us for an empowering 75-minute online workshop designed specifically for women in business, nonprofits, and STEM fields. In a world where achievements can often be overshadowed by self-doubt, this session aims to arm you with the knowledge, strategies, and support to help address the pervasive challenge of Imposter Syndrome. Through an engaging workshop, we'll delve into understanding this phenomenon, its impact on professional women, and practical steps you can take to conquer these feelings and stride confidently in your career, and /or starting and growing a business.

What We'll Cover

  • Understanding Imposter Syndrome: Dive deep into its definition, historical context, and the patterns and insights that shed light on this common experience among professional women.
  • Personal Reflection & Interactive Segments: Engage in guided activities to identify personal Imposter Syndrome patterns and share experiences in a supportive environment.
  • Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Learn and apply practical tools through detailed personalized examples and strategies.
  • Building a Supportive Network: Discover the importance of community and peer support and how to create and leverage professional networks effectively.

Benefits of Attending

  1. Gain a thorough understanding of Imposter Syndrome and its specific impact on women in professional settings.
  2. Learn practical, actionable strategies to combat Imposter Syndrome and build confidence.
  3. Connect with a community of like-minded professionals for ongoing support and networking.

Program Outcomes

  • Define and recognize the patterns of Imposter Syndrome and its impact on your professional life.
  • Implement practical strategies to challenge and overcome self-doubt and Imposter feelings.
  • Build and leverage a supportive network to foster a sense of belonging and confidence in your career.

Don't let Imposter Syndrome hold you back from recognizing and achieving your true potential. Register Now to Secure Your Spot and take the first step towards embracing your achievements with confidence.


Meet the presenter

STEM UP 2colorDr. Bili Mattes is the Executive Director of STEM-UP Network, a social enterprise powered by Harrisburg University. The Network addresses the gender talent gap in STEM by working directly with STEM women to provide them with real-world strategies, skills, connections and community to navigate and advance their careers. The network is over 1,000 strong with over 100 women successfully completing the Level Up Your STEM Career program and over 300 women having participated in our Mentoring Program. Bili has over twenty-five years of experience in higher education leadership; she most recently served as Provost and Chief Academic Officer at HU.



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