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Embracing the Digital Shift for Future Success in Your B2B Ecommerce Strategy

As highlighted by Gartner, the digital landscape is rapidly evolving, with a prediction that "by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels." This shift is driven by buyers' growing preference for seller-free, digital-first interactions, particularly among younger, more digitally savvy demographics.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

Conquer Your Doubts: Understanding and Managing Imposter Syndrome

Join us for an empowering 75-minute online workshop designed specifically for women in business, nonprofits, and STEM fields. In a world where achievements can often be overshadowed by self-doubt, this session aims to arm you with the knowledge, strategies, and support to overcome the pervasive challenge of Imposter Syndrome.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

PA Wilds Big Idea Contest Informational Webinar

Get an edge with insider knowledge on how to excel in the contest. Receive expert guidance from regional economic development leaders! Discover the range of support services provided by Ben Franklin, PA Wilds, SBDC(s), PennTAP and more, all geared towards accelerating your entrepreneurial ideas.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

Where’s the Money? Discover Funding Solutions in Central PA

Consider a variety of funding options available in the Ben Franklin Central and Northern PA footprint in a three-part regional exploration. Our Get the 360° Partner Panel includes various partners from federal and state economic development lenders who have designated offerings for specific purposes.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

The Executive Guide to Generative AI Adoption Part Two

Only 25% of such businesses have embraced Generative AI, despite transformative impacts reported by early adopters. This session aids executives in spotting opportunities, understanding evolution speed, and grasping adoption's competitive edge. Tailored for decision makers in small to medium-sized businesses, manufacturers, and tech firms, this two-part series simplifies Generative AI understanding with tips and resources to help you get started with confidence.

  • Pre-recorded Webinar

The Executive Guide to Generative AI Adoption Part One

Only 25% of such businesses have embraced Generative AI, despite transformative impacts reported by early adopters. This session aids executives in spotting opportunities, understanding evolution speed, and grasping adoption's competitive edge. Tailored for decision makers in small to medium-sized businesses, manufacturers, and tech firms, this two-part series simplifies Generative AI understanding with tips and resources to help you get started with confidence.

  • Pre-Recorded Webinar

Where's the Money? Discover Funding Solutions in Southern Alleghenies PA Region

A new series based on Ben Franklin Central and Northern PA regional footprint featuring Get the 360° Panel of invited partners from federal and state economic development lenders who have designated offerings for specific purposes.

  • Pre-recorded Webinar

Strategic Marketing Success: A Case Guide Aligning Business Goals with Marketing Systems

Are you tired of the misconception that marketing is ineffective? Join us in this webinar where we'll debunk this myth and guide you through a comprehensive marketing case study. Discover the systematic approach we used to address the client's most pressing marketing challenges, paving the way for a strategic marketing roadmap to confidently launch their new business.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

Financing for Startups with Brian Slawin

In this presentation, entrepreneurs will learn hot to talk with and engage investors and how to go from first conversations to first check. Additionally, attendees will get the chance to create their own and learn from others on how to build a successful elevator pitch. And, while starting up a company is both fun and a challenge, avoiding the “Valley of Death” is absolutely critical to go from idea to exit. As part of that process, attendees will understand the types of investments that are available, which are best for their specific opportunity and ultimately, why so many successful entrepreneurs are invested in and mentored by the Ben Franklin Technology PArtners. Finally, attendees will learn and better understand the most important criteria to assure startup and small business success and how they can bend the odds in their favor.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

Capital Call with Sylvester Mobley of Plain Sight Capital

We are privileged to have Sylvester Mobley, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at the early-stage venture capital firm Plain Sight Capital, as guest of Ben Franklin’s next Capital Call.

  • Pre-recorded webinar

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